Incorporate these ideas as often as you wish to celebrate St. Joseph this year. Pray the Act of Hope “Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom […]
Have fun with the Rosary (no, really)
Catholic mom Sarah Reinhard writes, I have a love-hate relationship with the Rosary. It’s not so different from how I feel about exercise. They both yield good — great! — results, but they also need an investment of time and effort. If I am struggling with it, how am I supposed to get my kids to do it willingly? Teaching Catholic Kids has resources to help you (and me!) introduce the children in your life to the rosary…and maybe plant the seeds of a lifelong devotion!
Holy Week 2020: Daily discussions for your family
This year’s Holy Week will be very different from what Catholics are used to. Brian Smith walks through the week and offers Scripture as well as discussion questions and activities to share with your family. Go online to find all the resources.
Ten ways to keep Christ in Christmas
At Thanksgiving we thank God for many blessings and gifts. At Christmas, we try to imitate God’s generosity by giving gifts ourselves. But Keeping the emphasis on the birth of Jesus during the days before Christmas is difficult for both adults and children, especially as the secular and commercial side of Christmas actually begins even before Thanksgiving Day. Many people are already frantically shopping for those last minute gifts, the stores and schools are decorated to the fullest and sign of Christmas are everywhere! Online you’ll find Ten Ways to help keep Christ in Christmas. The activities cost very little and the rewards are priceless!
Palm Sunday celebrations around the world
Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to celebrate Passover before his death as recounted in the Gospels. In today’s post you’ll find explanations of the important Palm Sunday symbols to share with your Catholic kids.